Mühlhausen Mask Massacre
After a great start in 2020 it was clear this contest has to be continued, no matter what! The ramp is the biggest of the country, the staff is friendly, the skatepark is huge!
So we are happy to present another edition of the MASK MASSACRE MÜHLHAUSEN event, even though subVert is busy as F*** and proud that Lilly Stoephasius comes back to the event she won last year, and where she did her first 540 in a competition.
MMM is a part of the VERT GERMANY Series. You can easily make 350 points for the ranking you find on www.vertgermany.de
More Info will follow. Most you find now on https://www.subvert.de/MASK-MASSACRE-MUeHLHAUSEN-2021
where you also can register for the contest!