Rainskates Wheels
Sale: As we have hardly any left and won't get restocked before MARCH 2023, only 1 set is discounted by 30%, but we grant you a 11% Discount on all others! ENJOY!
Unbeatably good! Direct import from Alaska!
All sizes, all hardnesses, all shapes!
Pete Halvorsen is a freak who wasn't good enough with what was available on the market.
It does not offer all colors and does not present signature wheels from professional riders, but wants to offer professional skaters exactly what they are looking for: the right hardness, the right size, the right contact patch with a preferred shape inside and out: conical or round.
We started importing RAINSKATES because two of Germany's most experienced skaters asked us to do so. After testing all possible quality wheels from well-known manufacturers, only Speedlab and RAINSKATES remained for them!
Test them! You can send them back used after 2 weeks and will be credited the full purchase price.