
We are skateboarders.

When you look at the world through a prism is breaks apart into the individual colors of the spectrum, when you look at the world through the eyes of a skateboarder, the colors multiply to infinity and all of a sudden you see the adventure the beauty and the freedom in everything. From mountain roads to inner city plazas, skaters will always use man-made structures in ways that steps outside of or even contradict those objects' intended purposes. This ability allows skaters to step outside of all sorts of lies we see in society and enjoy the world for all of its aspects in ways that were not necessarily intended. Skaters will not be controlled by the mass.

When you spend 24 years building a company run by skateboarders, you know that it will not follow the rules of engagement that the rest of the business world would expect, PM-KebbeK doesn't do this just to be another corporate  trying to ram consumerism down your throat. We do this because we love skateboarding and this company will change and flow just like you do when you skate off that mountain road into the city, schralping every skateable object into a moment.

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